Shazam! first reactions: what did people think?

Shazam! first reactions: what did people think?

The big-screen origin story of DCEU's magical superhero has had its first screenings – and the initial reactions are in

"Funny." "Goofy." "Unlike anything DC has done before." Yep, the Twitter reactions are steadily flowing in from early screenings of superhero blockbuster Shazam! and, fair to say, they're pretty positive...

So, the film has screened. And no, we're not allowed to review it yet. Pesky embargoes. But Warner Bros are clearly quietly confident they have a hit on their hands, allowing viewers to tweet their reactions almost a month ahead of the film's release date (it hits cinemas on 5 April).

That might also have a little something to do with the fact that, in the comics, Shazam shared a name with a certain other superhero from a rival outfit who just happens to have a film out today. Some excellent trolling there, DC!

Shazam! is the seventh instalment in the DC Extended Universe, following on from Aquaman, which was the first DCEU movie to make over $1 billion at the worldwide box office. It tells the story of streetwise teen Billy Batson (Asher Angel), who gains the ability to turn himself into a chiselled adult superhero (played by Zachary Levi) thanks to some wizardy magic. Mark Strong also stars as the film's powerful big bad, Doctor Sivana. "Superman meets Big" is the elevator pitch and, if these reactions are anything to go by, it might just live up to that.

We'll bring you the full review as soon as we can but, for now, here's what we thought of Shazam's cinematic debut:

 And Den of Geek's US editor praised the film for getting "the magical wonder of the character and his world right":

Elsewhere, the film picked up similarly positive reactions:

Shazam! opens in UK cinemas on 5 April 2019.


By Richard Jordan


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