Frozen is a Disney media franchise, beginning with the 2013 American animated feature film of the same name, which was directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, screenplay by Lee and produced by Peter Del Vecho, music score by Christophe Beck, and songs written by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. John Lasseter, then-chief creative officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios, served as the film's executive producer. The original film was inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, "The Snow Queen".
Since the film's release in November 2013, the franchise has expanded very rapidly. To date, the franchise includes various Disney theme park attractions, merchandise, video games, books, a Disney on Ice show, a Broadway stage musical and two short animated films. Disney has also released an animated film sequel, and a new book series. In November 2014, explained that "Frozen is no longer a movie, it's a global brand, a larger than life franchise built around products, theme parks and sequels that could last into the next century". Boxoffice chief analyst Phil Contrino was quoted as saying "it's become massive".[1]
Since the film's release in November 2013, the franchise has expanded very rapidly. To date, the franchise includes various Disney theme park attractions, merchandise, video games, books, a Disney on Ice show, a Broadway stage musical and two short animated films. Disney has also released an animated film sequel, and a new book series. In November 2014, explained that "Frozen is no longer a movie, it's a global brand, a larger than life franchise built around products, theme parks and sequels that could last into the next century". Boxoffice chief analyst Phil Contrino was quoted as saying "it's become massive".[1]