Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's is an American media franchise created by Scott Cawthon, which began with the eponymous 2014 video game and quickly gained worldwide popularity. The franchise has been expanded into various games and other media, including a novel trilogy and an anthology series, comprising an all-encompassing fictional universe. A film adaptation is also planned. Merchandise for the games has been produced, and a horror attraction based on the series was featured in the Adventuredome for Halloween 2016. The series also appeared in the Guinness Book of Records: Gamer's Edition, setting a record for the largest number of sequels released in a year.
The main series consists of nine games. In the first three games, the player controls a nighttime security guard who must utilize security cameras and other tools to survive against animatronic characters which become mobile and homicidal after-hours. The fourth game takes place in the house of a child who must defend against nightmarish versions of the animatronics. The fifth game takes place in a maintenance facility, where the player controls a technician who must complete different tasks each night. In the sixth game, the player assumes the role of a new owner of the pizzeria. In the seventh game, the player defends themselves against animatronics from previous games, with the ability to adjust their difficulty. The eighth game features virtual reality gameplay, and the ninth game features augmented reality gameplay. The upcoming tenth game will take place in a modernize