Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation is an American political satire television sitcom created by Greg Daniels and Michael Schur. The series aired on NBC from April 9, 2009 to February 24, 2015, for 125 episodes, over seven seasons. The series stars Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope, a perky, mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks Department of Pawnee, a fictional town in Indiana. The ensemble and supporting cast features Rashida Jones as Ann Perkins, Paul Schneider as Mark Brendanawicz, Aziz Ansari as Tom Haverford, Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson, Aubrey Plaza as April Ludgate, Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer, Adam Scott as Ben Wyatt, Rob Lowe as Chris Traeger, Jim O'Heir as Jerry Gergich, Retta as Donna Meagle, and Billy Eichner as Craig Middlebrooks. Wikipedia
Parks and Recreation - America The Only Country That Matters T-Shirt
Show your love for Parks and Recreation with this exclusive t-shirt proudly displaying "America: The Only Country That Matters". Made from high-quality materials, this shirt is both comfortable and...
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Funko POP! TV: Parks and Recreation - Leslie the Riveter
From Funko. Your friends from the Pawnee Parks & Rec department are joining your Funko collection! Each Pop! figure stands about 3 3/4" tall and comes packaged in a collector-friendly window...
20% Off
Funko POP! TV: Parks and Recreation - Andy as Princess Rainbow Sparkle
Your friends from the Pawnee Parks & Rec department are joining your Funko collection! Each POP! figure stands about 3 3/4" tall and comes packaged in a collector-friendly window box.
Parks and Recreation - Lil Sebastian Stainless Steel with Hammer Lid Metal Tumbler
This design is printed with eco-friendly plant-based inks directly on the stainless surface. Tumblers include BPA-free leak resistant, easy-to-clean and easy-close hammer lid.
Triple insulation re...
Parks and Recreation - Lil Sebastian Plastic Tumblers with Wrap and Travel Lid
This printed wrap-around design is sealed between the tumbler walls. Tervis tumblers feature double-wall insulated construction that keeps drinks hot or cold longer and reduces condensation to pre...
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